Who am I amounts to ... I am who I am ... period

This will be the last of my BlogSetup notes. So I will clearly tell for the last time that it is very essential that all of you read this current post as well as the previous one to get a grip of what lies ahead. As boring as it may sound, it is essential to mention these things since I believe (my usual current- belief) that when I do something I must do it completely & perfectly. So based on the assumption that you people have understood the point I was trying to convey in the previous post I will start this one. Another assumption is that you are going to treat this post as well as all the rest to come with the same amount of suspicion which I wreaked on you guys in the first one & hopefully you will always be saying to yourself I-doubt-he’s-saying-the-truth.

Suddenly I realized that I have been using “you” a lot in this paragraph. That is not going to happen much in the future so all of YOU bask in the glory till it lasts, coz its going to be all I ME & (you guessed right) MYSELF from next time onwards.

I will try to bring out here some aspects of myself & to a certain extent about this blog. Whats my name, address, mobile number?? What do I do ?? what’s my age ?? etc etc is totally immaterial. Actually my blog link has my first name and for my last name ... well that needs a whole blog for itself. So don’t miss that out when it gets posted.

Those who know me will also very well know that this is my blog. So I am not hiding from anyone & writing with a pseudo name. what about those who don’t know me ?? what if they want to know everything about me after reading such wonderful stuff in my blog ?? well if any of you end up in such a situation I would prefer telling you to “go get a life” but I wont ( I am a nice guy you see) rather I will remind you of SRK in OSO “agar kisi ko dil se chaho tho poori kaynat tumko usse milane ki koshish main lag jaati hain” …. The plain-english version being “if we are meant to know each other we will”. But for the still-desperate-to-know-more-about-me types … keep reading my blog daily before you read your newspaper surely your curiosity will be cured.

This blog is going to be based on only one philosophy & that is philosophy itself. I LOVE PHILOSOPHY. That’s my forte. Philosophy makes life worth living. So I am going to concentrate as much as I can on that in each & eveything I write. Philosophy in each & every thing that I do, in every thing that happens to me, in every situation that I encounter, in each & every-damn-thing where philosophy is not involved I will bring it in. it is going to be philosophy of the highest kind. Philosophy which mankind has never heard of or thought of. Philosophy in all its forms ranging from the seriously-damn-serious, damn-serious, serious, funny, damn-funny & the seriously-damn-funny.

So keep your minds wide open when you read further. That pretty much sums up what I wanted to say here.