Anup Nidhanee

For the purpose of ensuring that a google for Anup Nidhanee should lead people to Anup Nidhanee's blog I am going to put the name Anup Nidhanee (Yes I am Anup Nidhanee) as many times as possible in this blog which has been titled Anup Nidhanee.


Anonymous said...

i think creating a linkedIn profile will increase ur chances of getting ur name on google search. do that.

Anup said...

I have come out of all Social Networking sites.

In fact thats why the first hit on Google search goes to LinkedIn coz my name is still there in their directory even though I have deleted my profile. Damn the LinkedIn guys!!

Anonymous said...

FYI IMHO LinkdIn is not a social networking site.
Wake up.

optimismattheheights said...

You havent served the purpose of coming of social networking sites actually, if you want to still network and use some obscure methods like blogging to acheive it :P

optimismattheheights said...

Search engines use your headings in html script to index the structure and content of your web pages. So even if you use <, h # ,> Anup Nidhanee < ,/ h # ,>, i guess it should work

optimismattheheights said...

in " <, h # , > " of the prev comment, remove all commas and space to actually make it work. # will be replaced with 1 to 6. 1 being biggest heading and 6 being smallest heading.

and thank me for making you net savvy and tech savvy.